28 April, 2010


I've been doing some thinking, which is pretty much never overly good for my mental well-being. For once though, I don't think it's been too detrimental. Actually, it's not so much that I've been thinking, it's that I've been getting lost in my thoughts. I think that writing, not like this but actual fiction-writing, might be helping me to not get so depressed. It's not really IMPROVING my mood, but it's keeping me out of the dumps. Probably because it's keeping me from serious hard-core thinking, actually... Oh well, whatever works. I really don't like feeling like shit half the time, and then the other half the time feeling like there's just this empty void inside of me.


  1. May I recommend whose line is it anyways. Amazing show that totally disturbs the mind.

  2. I'm not really into watching TV... I'd much rather read a book, or chat with friends online, or write stories... Though Whose Line IS a rather amusing show.
